Mobile App Development Cost in 2024 [Tips to Keep It Under Budget]


1st smartphone was launched in 1997 ever snice that time with the increasing demand of users and day to day updates in the technology smartphones have become a need, we feel incomplete without a smartphone similarly a smartphone feels incomplete without apps. We spend the entire day using our smartphone weather for playing games or for personal use scrolling around using different app makes one life easy and attracts more customers, more than 2.9 million apps are available to be downloaded through google play store not only this but a survey says that it is expected to say that almost  $156.5 billion are expected to be spend on apps this year and approximately  $935.2 billion by year 2023.

If looking into a few stats of how important a mobile app is around 21% of the youth open one app more than 50 time, around 57% digital media usage is performed through app, an average person uses 30 different apps per month and most importantly mobile apps are to generate a revenue of $935 billion by 2023, if the stats say this much usage and revenue so this means mobile app is an essential; part of one’s life and as it is said that “THERE IS AN APP FOR EVERYTHING” because apps are much faster than websites and user friendly too.

Like recently we created an app by the name Is this, Okay? Whose purpose is to scan ingredients from the back of your packets or bottles and tell you if that ingredient is okay for your health or not, or if there is any ingredient that triggers acne. Exciting innovative ideas app is a good new challenge for the app developers.

How Much Will a Mobile Application Cost?

Well, the answer cannot be answered in one fixed figure as the company needs to firstly know understand the business the requirements most importantly the budget to then quote a price to the client. An app cost starts from $2000 to $1 million depending upon many factors an important factor that effects your development cost is from where you hire the developer from as developers from Asia start as low as $15 per hour to $150 whereas North America software development companies has the most expensive developers starting from $70 to $350 per hour.

Apart from this it also depends on whether you are hiring a freelancer a small company or a large company as a freelancer will charge you five times less than company developers but can’t guarantee the quality of work as they lack team. Now having a look at how the per hour rate is decided, it’s not just a random quotation given but a few steps are to be kept in mind when deciding the total cost of the app.


DESIGNING                             DEVELOPMENT                         TESTING                       AVERAGE

  HOURS                                         HOURS                                    HOURS                       HOURLY RATE

App costs also depends on factors like what level of complexity is of the app, what features are too added in it, what design is required, what type it is e-commerce game or social networking, what platform is used iOS or android and more.

A simple app team consists of:

  • Project Manager
  • UI/UX Designer
  • Developer
  • QA Engineer

A complex app consists of:

  • Project Manager
  • 2 Backend Developer
  • 3 or 4 App Developers
  • 2 UI/UX Designers
  • QA Engineer

Here is a comprehended table to better understand the roles and responsibilities of each team member along with here per hour rate to get an idea of the budget.

Team member Cost per hour Roles and responsibilities
Project manager $45 To communicate between the client and the development team. Makes sure the team meets deadline.
Web developer $50 To communicate between database and application and take care of the bugs and errors.
App Developer $40 Writes the codes and fixes the bugs in the app.
Designer $30 The entire look and interface are designed by the design team, and they are also responsible for the optimization of the app.
QA Engineer $30 Makes sure the app runs smoothly, design, code, quality and meeting all the requirements.


Cost of an App like WhatsApp

There are many apps similar to WhatsApp that are known to be high profile apps and even cost high.

App Cost
WhatsApp $120,000 – $150,000
Instagram $100,000 – $300,000
Snapchat $9,000 – 11,000
Twitter $50,000 – $250,000


App Development Costs

Let’s now talk in figures how much it really costs to build an app. A good practice before building an app is to estimate the cost. It all depends on who is making the application in the first place, it’s a freelancer, a small agency app development company or a silicon giant. A startup can even risk by hiring a small agency for their app development as they focus on customer satisfaction and try to make the best app as they are making a good word of mouth in the market.

Costs in different regions across the world

Specialist Functions Pakistan&


(avg.per hour)

Eastern Europe

(avg.per hour)

Western Europe, Scandinavia, UK

(avg.per hour)


(avg.per hour)

US & Canada

(avg.per hour)

Designer Creates visual content that is coded in the project. $30 $30 $36 $46 $53
Product manager Meeting with clients and communicate the requirements with the developers. $40 $37 $40 $40 $84
Developer Develops programs, software’s, database, operation systems etc.


$35 $33 $52 $49 $61
DevOps Deploys the system. $40 $37 $40 $50 $66
Quality Assurance Engineer Checks and makes sure the software is functioning smoothly. $30 $31 $21 $30 $33
Technical Writer Creates content according to the instructions given. $25 $22 $41 $55 $49
Business Analyst Fulfils the business requirements. $35 $35 $58 $32 $63



Freelancer comes with a lot of advantages like cost cutting but challenges like time zone difference, online meetings, culture difference and lack of understanding. In case you find a good freelancer negotiate with him and hire him.


Hiring an Agency is the most professional and best way to have a professional app as you will be working with competent professionals. All costs will be showed discussed prior the development, Canadian Agency is one of the top agencies to work with as we give a much better and professional app and charge around 10% more than freelancers. Hire an agency to avoid delay and any hassle.

Silicon Giants

Now if you have a very high budget or want to build a very high profile advance mobile application then you can hire a Silicon Giant, they charge around $500,000 on average. Silicon giants include IBM, Intel, HP, Oracle, Adobe systems.

Below mentioned are a few tables of all the services our agency will be providing you with cost and details mentioned side by side.

Mobile App costs explained with different functions

Platform Cost Details
Android $15,000 – $75,000 Application for all android devices which include Samsung, Huawei, Redmi, Infinix, Techno.
iOS 15,000 – 75,000 Application for all Apple products like iPhone and iPad.
Both android and iOS 25,000 – 150,000 Application for all Apple and Android devices

Although the cost of both platforms is same, but each platform has its own requirements, coding and designing always make sure where your app is more used and what platform the consumers are using more. If in case, it’s a developing country then majority will have android investing in making an iOS app will be waste as both platform app development is expensive and when only android will be used the iOS app will result in a liability.

Users sign-up option

Features Cost Details
Simple sign-up $450 This helps users log in the app through email and password, it gives user the option if in case they have forgotten password. Guest mode option is also given.
Social media accounts $300 Same sign-up option is available but a login option to login through social networks is also provided. Guest mode option is still there.
Two-step verification $200$ Used for highly secured apps where a unique code is sent to user email or phone for security. OTP


Every user gets irritated from long sign-up details and verifications always make sure that you must focus on building a user-friendly app so make an app which gets you landed on the app in few minutes.

Personalized profiles

Features Cost Details
Simple $350 These user profiles set up emails, pictures, birthdays without interaction.
Complex $800$ In complex profiles user allows better interaction by adding images which others can see too.


A simple profile uses basic information with an image while complex will allow you to add videos, entire gallery etc. personalized profiles are not regularly used in applications.


Integration maps or geolocation

Features Cost Details
Simple map $200 Simple maps display place pins and brief description.
Geofencing $650 These maps support the simple things and in addition it supports sending notifications when entering in the locality.
Real-time tracking 1250$ This tracks in real time on map with accurate distance calculations and notifications.


Applications which include transportation or deliveries require such features in their apps in which the location can be statistically highlighted for ease of the users.

Upload pictures

Features Cost Details
Capture and upload images $350 Allows uploading picture the user took or upload from the gallery.
Image editing $650 Adds in features like cropping, resizing, brightness etc.
Create albums $650 Make albums of the pictures along with descriptions.
Apply pre-made filters $1300 Different filters can be added on to the pictures.


When making any social application it requires uploading multiple pictures with or without filters just like Instagram or Snapchat. Different rates are mentioned depending upon your application requirement.

Work with videos or audios

Features Cost Details
Stream audio or video $1500 Streaming of video and audio
Live broadcasting $4000 Online broadcasting from a mobile device
Video editing $3500 Video editing, includes inserting content such as text, pictures, or other videos


Video and audio add a lot of depth to the communication. Streaming allows you to play and pause videos, but you cannot make any edits to it. Live broadcasting allows you to broadcast from your phone without the need to upload the video first.

Require social features

Features Cost Details
Comments, likes, shares $1300 Ability to like, comment and share content through social networks.
Newsfeed or user wall $1000 Posts with the ability to publish text and pictures, as well as like, comment, and share posts
Tagging $650 Photo tagging functionality
Check-ins $350 Ability to check-in at any place


Apps can also make profits by implementing social features, as it will engage users, promote the app in users’ circles, and increase overall brand awareness.

Communication between users

Features Cost Details
Simple notification inbox $650 simple menu of messages
Live text chat $1300 Online text chatting
Group chat, location sharing, media $2500 Advanced messaging and group video
Voice and video calls $6500 Making and receiving audio/video calls

Social media apps are communication based. The online chat will allow users to send real-time messages to each other while a simple inbox serves as a zone where all notifications are stored, and a simple list of messages is displayed.

Accept payments

Features Cost Details
Handle and store card data directly $1500 Customized branded experience for your clients
Existing mobile POS $3000 Accepting payments through a mobile point-of-sale app
Mobile payment widgets $1000 Card data is handled by their libraries
Using a gateway API $2000 Gateway API gives you full control over user experience


Choosing how to accept payments in your app depends on the technology, customer base, and business needs.

Additional app features

Features Cost Details
Rating or reviews $1200 Add display reviews or ratings
QR scanner and coupons $1500 Issue QR coupons
Calendar integration $1200 Built-in calendar features, including daily, monthly, and yearly detailed views of time, place, and event.
Loyalty program $1600


The program that proposes rewards for customers in exchange for a long-lasting relationship
Search $1000 Search with a language
Push notifications $800 Drop push messages to customers
E-commerce $10,000 Create menus for items, shopping cart option
Calculator $2000 Calculator with customized design for popular functions
In-app browser $500 Users won’t need to open a separate browser
Listing $3500 Users, items, events separated
Blog or newsfeed $1500


Blog posts and detailed article


Choose additional features that may enrich your mobile app. Of course, some of them can be added later, however, it’s important to keep the costs in mind.


Devices the plan supports

Features Cost Details
Smartphone 0% Samsung or iPhone
Tablet 15% Samsung Galaxy Tab or iPad
Smartwatch 20% iWatch


Any additional design which requires more time will require more charges, first device +0, second device +5%, third device +10%.



Look of your app

Features Cost Details
Standard default design $1200 Standard and classic design
Custom design $1800 Customized and unique design
Animated design $2400 Customized design with point on interactions.


The personalized design allows you to be one of a kind, going beyond template solutions. Custom gestures, buttons, and transitions require a lot of time but create a clear and unique brand positioning in the industry.

Web App Cost


Users sign-up option

Features Cost Details
Simple sign-up $550 This helps users log in the app through email and password, it gives user the option if in case they have forgotten password. Guest mode option is also given.
Social media accounts $300 Same sign-up option is available but a login option to login through social networks is also provided. Guest mode option is still there.
Two-step verification $200 Used for highly secured apps where a unique code is sent to user email or phone for security. OTP


Every user gets irritated from long sign-up details and verifications always make sure that you must focus on building a user-friendly app so make an app which gets you landed on the app in few minutes.

Personalized profiles

Features Cost Details
Simple $450 These user profiles set up emails, pictures, birthdays without interaction.
Complex $650 In complex profiles user allows better interaction by adding images which others can see too.


A simple profile uses basic information with an image while complex will allow you to add videos, entire gallery etc. personalized profiles are not regularly used in applications.


Upload pictures

Features Cost Details
Capture and upload images $350 Allows uploading picture the user took or upload from the gallery.
Image editing $450 Adds in features like cropping, resizing, brightness etc.
Create albums $450 Make albums of the pictures along with descriptions.
Apply pre-made filters $650 Different filters can be added on to the pictures.


When making any social application it requires uploading multiple pictures with or without filters just like Instagram or Snapchat. Different rates are mentioned depending upon your application requirement.

Work with videos or audios

Features Cost Details
Stream audio or video $350 Streaming of video and audio
Live broadcasting $1000 Online broadcasting from a mobile device
Video editing $1800 Video editing, includes inserting content such as text, pictures, or other videos


Video and audio add a lot of depth to the communication. Streaming allows you to play and pause videos, but you cannot make any edits to it. Live broadcasting allows you to broadcast from your phone without the need to upload the video first.


Require social features

Features Cost Details
Comments, likes, shares $650 Ability to like, comment and share content through social networks.
Newsfeed or user wall $1000 Posts with the ability to publish text and pictures, as well as like, comment, and share posts
Tagging $350 Photo tagging functionality
Check-ins $350 Ability to check-in at any place


Apps can also make profits by implementing social features, as it will engage users, promote the app in users’ circles, and increase overall brand awareness.

Communication between users

Features Cost Details
Simple notification inbox $1000 simple menu of messages
Live text chat $1300 Online text chatting
Group chat, location sharing, media $2500 Advanced messaging and group video
Voice and video calls $3500 Making and receiving audio/video calls


Social media apps are communication based. The online chat will allow users to send real-time messages to each other while a simple inbox serves as a zone where all notifications are stored, and a simple list of messages is displayed.


Accept payments

Features Cost Details
Handle and store card data directly $800 Customized branded experience for your clients
Existing mobile POS $2500 Accepting payments through a mobile point-of-sale app
Mobile payment widgets $1000 Card data is handled by their libraries
Using a gateway API $1500 Gateway API gives you full control over user experience


Choosing how to accept payments in your app depends on the technology, customer base, and business needs.




Additional app features

Features Cost Details
Rating or reviews $650 Add display reviews or ratings
QR scanner and coupons $1000 Issue QR coupons
Calendar integration $1300 Built-in calendar features, including daily, monthly, and yearly detailed views of time, place, and event.
Loyalty program $1600 The program that proposes rewards for customers in exchange for a long-lasting relationship
Search $1000 Search with a language
Push notifications $800 Drop push messages to customers
E-commerce $10,000 Create menus for items, shopping cart option
Calculator $1500 Calculator with customized design for popular functions
In-app browser $650 Users won’t need to open a separate browser
Listing $5000 Users, items, events separated
Blog or newsfeed $1500 Blog posts and detailed article

Choose additional features that may enrich your mobile app. Of course, some of them can be added later, however, it’s important to keep the costs in mind.


Marketing/sales features 

Features Cost Details
Optimized landing page $650 The landing page must be attractive so that the visitors coming in convert into customers.
Contact us page $200 Contact us page is an important page as it increases the customer value.
Portfolio $350 It creates an impression of what you have achieved so far and how successful you are in the market.
Products or services $350 This page should be carefully designed as it shows all the services company offers.
Email marketing $200 Promotional offers and sign in emails are received to the customer.


Marketing and sales help you in streamlining, getting, and dealing with your income. Adding a very much planned landing page with advancing change.

Admin features for content management system (cms)

Features Cost Details
Content management $1000 content can be edited by using WYSIWYG editor
Group and user management $1000 Your site rely upon client. Editors manage content made by creators and deal with their profiles.
Media management $650 Media Manager allows to transfer, sort out and deal with your media.
Multiple language support $1600 Content designers can make a site in different languages.
Contact management $1000 Different choices you can add different contacts, classes and transfer pictures.
Banner management $650 Banner manager promotes your website.
Menu manager $1000 Menu Manager makes records and rundown things as you wish.



CMS modifies your web, without coding. The highlights you need in your web application and effectively compute the expenses of your project.

Process of App Development

App development is not done overnight it goes through a process and different steps to get to the end final application. And every app is different from the other as every app requirements vary from one clients requirements to another, it’s not possible that we can use one same code over for the next application. Below mentioned are the steps through which the app development process goes through.


Understanding app requirements

This is the most important phase as here at Canadian Agency we firstly try to understand the requirements of what the client actually needs as we will be investing our time and efforts in making that app. Aur highly experienced professional app developers, designers and project managers all set a meeting with the client to fully understand the requirements of the client.

Working with different platforms

Working with different platforms is a different experience, you grow and learn more and new things. An enterprise knows the audience comes with complete research whereas a startup lacks research. Once we understand the client, we then help decide which platform to opt iOS or android.

App Development

Our team of highly professionals put in their all effort and time to deliver the best error free app to the client. The project manager keeps the client updated and keeps the team on the go and makes them work in the project to deliver on team. If any update is provided by the client, the project manager communicates it with his team. Canadian agency makes sure that all work is done on time, done according to client’s requirements and delivered error free.


Testing the app

Highly professional team of QA engineers conduct multiple tests on PC mobile phones and tablets to make sure that application is running smoothly and us error free before delivering it to the client.

Hiring App development agency

If someone has come up with a unique idea one might be wondering why go for an agency as in house or freelancer would be much cheaper but let’s investigate details why to hire agency instead of a freelancer. On the same hand be very careful when hiring an agency because either that agency will break your dream project or take it to next level. Discuss and check their previous work to get a better idea.

Following points to kept in mind:

  • Experienced team

The first utmost reason why you should hire an agency for your app development is that there is a collective team of experts to complete your project rather than just one person and when all great minds meet a great project is developed. Coding is not the only step which everyone thinks is important but there are many other steps too which first have to be completed to reach to that coding stage.




1 strategy     2 planning     3 design     4 development      5 testing       6 support




The team firstly sets a strategy of how to start and how to begin with the project next we plan out what steps will be taken and in what order, design the layout and then the development phase i.e where the coding is done rest stages are non-coding stages. Once the designing coding is done next stage is to test the app if there is any errors or any correction needed.

It is very rare that all these qualities are found in one freelancer majority times that one person is expert in any one of the above things.

Here one should know the agency, looks into their portfolio, look into their previous work as they will be highly experienced team and will deliver you the best product.

  • Budget friendly

The main cause of this blog, COST of app development as a freelance too at times is more expensive than an agency, agency might demand more as they are highly experienced while a freelancer might make that same thing in less budget. Budget mainly also depends on the location and the complexity of the application mostly freelancer does this as he is not completely aware of the fact how long or how much time will it take exactly, but an agency will defiantly know the exact cost and time. It will be agencies headache of paying overtime to the developer not clients if any work gets delay and must be delivered on time.

  • More flexibility

Hiring an app developer is a challenging task and the neglected part here is flexibility. Even after planning at times a few things go which were not part of the plan here the developer must be flexible then to edit things accordingly.

The developer should be capable enough to change and accept challenges. Agencies have multiple team members on board if a task is not done by one developer it is assigned to another developer by doing so the task is completed in full efficiency in on time.

Agencies keep in mind the project management triangle when working on any task.

  • Better service

Agencies always provide with better services to the clients as they are more organized and perform better along with the supervision of their project managers. Agencies are working on multiple projects at a time this makes them stand out as they are good at multi-tasking as compared to freelancers.

  • QA testing

Canadian Agency always makes sure that they hire dedicated QA engineers for every project so that when a project is being delivered to the client, they are error free as they are going as a goodwill in the market to other clients. Testing is the most crucial step of the development phase any one error can create a bad impact on the client. One freelancer cannot work with this much dedication as a QA team works as they keep testing on each level.

  • App maintenance

Last step but the most important part of the development phase is maintenance. App has ben completed your task here is not completed maintaining it is important that it stays the way you want to maintain it. Keep this in  mind when hiring an agency or a freelancer that you have to maintain the app too in the future, and agencies provide the best maintenance support.

Time to convert ideas into mobile app

We hope after reading this blog we have made a clear picture of what we are and what we deliver. After carefully reading this, you will be able to understand what kind of application you need. Perfect application with attractive designs and seamless functionality this blog has given you complete guidance regarding the cost. Feel free to contact us today.

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With years of experience in the field of native and cross-platform app development, Ropstam's team of skilled mobile app developers focuses on creative, stunning applications. To share their knowledge, Ropstam's developers, from time to time, share their knowledge via such intricate blogs.

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