8 Best Free iPhone Apps in 2024 [Download Today]

Best Free iPhone Apps

Apple targets the niche market segment for its products and thus it creates some of the best software and mobile apps. Currently, there are more than 750k apps in the iOS store and more are coming every day. This is the huge quantity of apps and surely not every app is the one that is worth downloading.

However, some of the best free iPhone apps in 2024 tend to make your daily life a little easy. So, let us dig in the must-have applications for your iPhone. These essential apps will surely help you in a great way.

Here are the free apps that you must have in your iPhone today:

1. BillGuard (Free)

If you are one who is constantly worried about spending too much, then this app is for you. This is a very helpful tool that helps the users to take note of their finances so that they do not miss anything. With this app, you will start doing some savings and control your finances. This app will notify you of the taxes other important financial updates.

Watch this video to get to know about this app more.

2. Buffer (Free)

You might know about the Hootsuite, a tool that helps you in managing your social media platforms. Well, Apple understands and appreciates your love for social media and created this amazing app that works as a Hootsuite. With this app, you can schedule Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google Plus posts based on when they’ll be most effective. You can even keep a track of the stats of your posts and see how they’ve performed.

Learn how to use Buffer App in the informative video below

3. Dashlane (Free)

Who doesn’t love to shop online? This app helps you in saving the information about the payment and confirmation info that would have otherwise been lost in your email. It enables you to keep track of your online expenditure and makes it easier for you to find your receipts (unless you’ve had the foresight to add things like tickets to your Passbook app). Dashlane is free, but the premium option is worth getting if you spend a lot online.

4. Zillow (Free)

I wish someone could have better prepared me for finding a place to live. Real estate is a cutthroat business, and I’ve often found myself at the mercy of websites that hide the best properties from you for their own interest (or lack of information). Zillow is a godsend, as a result of this. The app crawls pretty much every property and real estate in your area, ranging from buying to renting. It proceeds to give you the information you need to get in touch with the property owner or leasing office, and the simple design makes all of this a breeze.

5. Kik

Several messaging apps need you to provide up your phone number to those you chat with. However, Kik only necessitates a username. With a bot store already claiming more than 6,000 bots, Kik beat Facebook Messenger and Skype to the punch in the area of artificial conversationalists. Group chat, photo and video sharing, and gaming add to this youth-focused app’s appeal.

6. Fooducate (Free)

Fooducate benefits by enabling you to examine the barcode of an item and view its “grade.” The database for the app grades food items based on everything from calories to questionable ingredients, providing you a precise picture of what you’re ordering. It will even demonstrate why an item has a distinct grade and teaches you on that item’s health value.

7. Duolingo 

If you are looking to master a new language, this is your go-to application. Duolingo offers customized courses in more than 20 languages and lets you set your own pace. Whether you are just curious about a new language or need to ace a particular language because of necessity, Duolingo is an extremely useful application.

8. Spotify

Are you crazy about music and want a single database containing all your favorite songs? Look no further because Spotify is the iOS app you are looking for. With hundreds of songs categorized by genre, Spotify even allows you to create a customized playlist containing your preferred list of songs.

Final Verdict

iPhone is the craziest invention that comes along with so many features and interesting apps developed in amazing ways to make our life easier. iOS features several apps and we have discussed eight of the top free iOS apps that you should install on your phone by downloading them from different platforms.

If you are looking for the development of the iOS app then get in contact with us for a free quote and further discussions.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) Are all the iPhone apps free?

While a majority of the apps on the App Store are free-to-use, you have to pay to unlock additional features in premium versions.

2) Is Spotify free on iPhone?

Spotify’s free version contains ads, and you must purchase the premium version for $9.99 per month to get rid of the ads and access advanced features.

3) Is Instagram paid on iPhone?

Instagram is a free-to-use social media application for sharing images and videos with the community, available on Play Store and App Store.

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