5 Questions You Need To Ask Before Hiring A WordPress Developer


WordPress will always have a space at the top of content management system (CMS) discussion. A software that takes care of your content for websites or blogs and provides you options to customize the appearance of it all for the front end. 

So, if it has features anyone can use or master, why do software development companies need a WordPress developer? Without fitting nicely with the business requirements, utilizing a CMS or WordPress can be a waste of time, which is where CMS developers come into play.

Benefits of Hiring a WordPress Developer

If you are still not sold on the idea of having a professional WordPress developer as an essential member of your team, the following bullet points should make you reconsider: 

Customize Your Site

WordPress developers are problem solvers who can help you customize your website to your business needs and goals.

Improve functionality of Your Site

Your hired professional developer should know how to deliver robust code, improving your website’s functionality and speed.

Secure Your Site

Unfortunately, WordPress.com or WordPress.org are riddled with poorly designed themes that are free but also prone to cyberattacks. A developer will help you safeguard against bad luck. 


A website development WordPress expert knows the proven ways to make your content unique and different from the crowd. As a developer, you can be distinctive in style.

5 Questions to Ask While Hiring A WordPress Developer

Following are some of the most pertinent questions hiring committees need to ask while onboarding WordPress developers:

1. Are You a Freelancer WordPress Developer or a Part of an Agency? 

A WordPress development company or agency comprises a team of individuals specializing in different skills – from web designers, graphic designers and content writers. This team of specialized developers will ensure your project run smoothly with no hitches.

A freelancer may not necessarily be familiar with the office environment and, therefore, might not be an ideal candidate. However, situations vary.

2. How Will You Do the Research for My Website?

Every business is different, and every website needs to match the business’s tone and nature. To make your website unique and different, your developer needs to develop a plan to do the research for your business. 

If you have any suggestions, you can let them know. Offering materials and sources to the web developer is an excellent move.

3. When Developing a WordPress Website, Do You Create a New Theme or Use an Existing One?

Most WordPress developers are willing to create a new theme for your project from scratch or use an existing one. In addition, if you prefer a custom-made piece from the existing one, they are ready to assist you with that one. It is better to go for a brand new theme, but it may require additional resources (time, money, etc.)

4. Can Do Develop Or Add Custom Plugins To My WordPress Site?

A professional WordPress developer should be able to create custom plugins and integrations for WordPress.

If you need any custom features for your website, you must ask your developer whether it will do with an existing plugin or require developing one from scratch. The developer must also convey the cost of the same to you.

5. Will My Website Be Secure and Responsive?

Online security is the most crucial topic to discuss. You want a secure website because you need to protect your business and because you must also protect your customers.

Another sensitive topic is website responsiveness. Your website must be optimized for various platforms, like mobile and tablet, and only someone with a knowledge of intelligent programming can help you.


Although WordPress is the most user-friendly and straightforward content management system, you still need to hire a professional WordPress developer. Developing an essential WordPress website does not make anyone a WordPress expert.

You have even more reasons to hire a WordPress developer if you are from a non-technical background. Hiring an expert is more expensive than developing a website yourself. Even the ROI is better with professional help. 

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The WordPress team at Ropstam Solutions consists of highly skilled professionals specializing in WordPress development and customized digital solutions. With more than a decade of experience in this field, the team prides itself on delivering innovative and impactful content that showcases its dedication to excellence and advancement within the WordPress realm.

Ropstam WordPress Development Team

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