5 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2024


The digital technology industry is rapidly evolving, and every year, new web and mobile app development programming languages become the talk of the town. As a developer, it is essential to keep up with the changing trends to remain relevant in this highly competitive field. Staying on top of the most recent trends in the field of programming will help you to stay in the loop.

This blog reveals the best programming languages that every developer must be familiar with in 2024. Everything you want to know, from well-known languages to newbies in this field, has been covered in this article.

Here are the 5 best programming languages to learn in 2024 that will help you with grasping fundamentals of coding:

1) Python

Despite the tumultuous time in the tech sector, there are numerous job openings for python developers as the demand for this widely used programming language continues to grow. First launched in 1992, Python is an object-oriented programming language that allows you create any type of application.

The most common applications of Python are in the domain of Web Development, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning. Google, NASA, and Netflix are some of the notable companies that use this language for their products.

2) Java

One of the oldest and most popular languages, Java is renowned for its security and functionality. Even today, Java is used by millions of developers worldwide because of its simple navigation and availability of a wide range of APIs. This language can be utilized for the creation of mobile apps, desktop apps, and cloud-based and IoT-based applications.

It is fair to say that with the increasing demand for mobile applications, Java is one of the most sought-after programming languages at the moment.

3) JavaScript

Another popular language set to rule the roost this year, JavaScript, is the go-to choice for web application developers as it can be used on both client and server sides. Creating interactive websites becomes extremely straightforward by utilizing this language. To give you an idea of the acceptance of JavaScript in the developers’ community, 97% of websites use it as a client-side language.

4) Swift

Released in 2014, Swift has risen through the ranks to become the most widely used language for the development of mobile and desktop applications of Apple’s devices. Developed by Apple to replace Objective-C, Swift is more than two times faster than Objective-C and eight times quicker than Python 2.7. According to a survey in 2021, Swift was among the top 20 most-used programming languages in the world.

If you are an aspiring iOS developer in 2024, Swift is the one programming language you should definitely target.

5) PHP

Hypertext Preprocessor, or simply PHP, is a widely used server-side scripting language mainly utilized for developing dynamic websites and web applications. It is a free-to-use, open-source language that allows access to the dynamic content stored in the databases. PHP can be integrated with a host of popular databases like SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc.

With the demand for websites and web applications at an all-time high, The need for PHP development services is increasing day by day. So, PHP is expected to be one of the most popular languages in 2024.


The constantly evolving field of technology requires developers to keep updated on the latest developments and trends. This article shed light on the most popular programming languages expected to rule in 2024.

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