Archive Posts
Celebrating Work Anniversaries (UPDATED)
Ropstam has always appreciated and rewarded its employees with certificates and words of appreciation motivation to keep up their moral. Ropstam always remembers celebrating work anniversaries of their employees on one year or two-year completion. Start of the Day It was a usual start of the day with everyone dedicated in completing their task but […]
Christmas Wishes
Ropstam is privileged to have such amazing talented and hardworking people. Our employee Youel Arif is a talented designer with proficient skills was wished by our team on the occasion of Christmas by giving him a small gift, handmade tree and a card with good wishes for Christmas. Ropstam always take good care of their […]
New Year 2022 Celebrations at Ropstam
New year comes with a new hopes and expectations. It gives you new challenges to overcome in the coming year ahead. As 2021 was a bit hopefully then 2020 as of the vaccination had started and people had started travelling and things started lining up back to work. Ropstam decided to celebrate new year and […]
December Birthday Celebrations at Ropstam
Ropstam makes sure to make employees feel like they are part of their team and family by giving them a friendly environment. Birthdays are an important part of ones life and they are celebrated collectively of all the employees in each month. Small event and celebrations on monthly basis not only makes the employees happy […]
Year End Farewells
“Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Farewells are a sad part of life; people come and go around in your life and in your organization as well. Ropstam had to say goodbye to two of our senior and talented team members. A small farewell […]
Farewells to our employees
“Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Saying goodbye is never easy, especially to someone who has been such a valued team member. It’s one of those tough times in the workplace when you have to say goodbye to someone you care for. This month […]