WordPress vs PrestaShop for E-commerce – Which is Better?

WordPress vs PrestaShop
Compare Website Builders to Empower Your E-commerce Journey

If you are familiar with Ecommerce website development, chances are you must have heard of WordPress and PrestaShop. Both are powerful website builders with their unique advantages. While it is tough to identify a clear winner among them, this blog aims to elucidate both platforms in detail, underlining the key differences between them.

WordPress vs PrestaShop – At a Glance

Here is quick overview of the comparison between WordPress and PrestaShop for ecommerce purposes:

Attribute WordPress PrestaShop
Pricing 🤝 Draw
Free core software, but costs for themes, plugins, and hosting
🤝 Draw
Free software but involves additional costs
Ease of Use 🏆 Winner
User-friendly interface, gentle learning curve
User-friendly dashboard, slightly more technical approach
Learning Curve 🏆 Winner
Generally easier for beginners
Ideal for users with more technical knowledge
Number of Users 🏆 Winner
Massive user base
Substantial user base dedicated to eCommerce
SEO Capabilities 🏆 Winner
Strong SEO foundations, with plugins like Yoast SEO
Robust SEO options, mostly paid versions
Third-Party Plugins/Addons 🤝 Draw
Extensive selection of plugins
🤝 Draw
Specialized eCommerce modules
Themes 🤝 Draw
A vast repository of themes, many optimized for WooCommerce
🤝 Draw
Variety of professional themes tailored for online stores
Multilingual Support Achieved with plugins, so it may not be as sophisticated 🏆 Winner
Built-in multilingual support, essential for international sales
Security 🤝 Draw
Frequently targeted but offers security plugins and a dedicated team
🤝 Draw
Takes security seriously with regular updates, and SSL compatibility
Speed 🤝 Draw
Optimizable for speed with proper hosting and plugins
🤝 Draw
Leaner eCommerce-focused software, faster out-of-the-box

Before we discuss the key differences between WordPress and PrestaShop in detail, let us briefly overview these two popular website builders:

What is WordPress?

Many consider WordPress to be the cornerstone of digital content management. This robust CMS originated as a blogging platform but has since blossomed into a comprehensive solution for all manner of websites, most notably online stores, through its WooCommerce extension.

Not to mention that it serves as the backbone for over 40% of web domains, indicating its unparalleled flexibility and user-centric design. WordPress’s open-source framework garners continual enhancements from a vibrant community, offering an extensive repository of themes and plugins for tailor-made experiences.

Its scalability, coupled with an engaging dashboard, enables both beginners and experts to craft compelling online presences with relative ease. Robust security is one of the main features of WordPress, with proactive updates and a diligent selection of security plugins to mitigate risks in order to ensure a secure platform for users and businesses alike.

In short, WordPress stands tall as a content management titan, contrasting with tools like Framer, which specializes in interactive design.

What is PrestaShop?

PrestaShop is a renowned, open-source eCommerce solution designed with the precision of a Swiss watch. It enables business owners to launch and manage their online stores with relative ease.

Renowned for its straightforward installation and user-friendly backend operations, PrestaShop is preferred by entrepreneurs stepping into the digital marketplace. The modular of this framework design allows for extensive customization through add-ons, catering to a diverse range of business needs.

Moreover, with its focus on creating an optimized shopping experience, PrestaShop helps merchants to efficiently convert visitors into loyal customers, making it a formidable tool in the eCommerce arsenal.

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Feature-wise comparison of WordPress and PrestaShop

Now, let us discuss the major differences between these two e-commerce website builders:

1. Pricing: 

WordPress, as a software, is free, which may seem like a cost-effective option initially. However, when integrated with WooCommerce for eCommerce functionality, costs can arise from premium themes, plugins, and hosting services. 

PrestaShop also offers free core software, but similar to WordPress, the additional costs for modules, themes, and hosting must be factored in. In short, both platforms can be budget-friendly or costly, depending on the level of customization and functionality desired.

Winner: Draw

2. Ease of use: 

WordPress, with WooCommerce, is renowned for its user-friendly interface, making it a breeze for users to manage content and products alike. The learning curve is gentle, and vast community support is available. 

PrestaShop also boasts a user-friendly dashboard but is more focused on eCommerce, which may require a slightly more technical approach for customization and management.

Winner: WordPress 

3. Learning curve: 

WordPress is generally easier for beginners to grasp, with many resources available for self-teaching. PrestaShop, while not exceedingly complicated, is ideal for users who are a bit more technically savvy or those willing to delve into the world of eCommerce more deeply.

Winner: WordPress

4. Number of users:

Given its broader application as a content management system and its WooCommerce plugin’s popularity, WordPress has a massive user base. PrestaShop, while having a smaller community, is nonetheless substantial and dedicated primarily to eCommerce.

Winner: WordPress

5. SEO capabilities: 

If you want your ecommerce store to rank higher in the SERPs, you must choose a website builder boasting SEO functionalities. WordPress is known for its strong SEO foundations, with plugins like Yoast SEO making it simple to optimize your site. PrestaShop also offers robust SEO options, but most of them are paid versions.

Winner: WordPress 

6. Third-party plugins: 

Both platforms support an extensive range of plugins or add-ons. WordPress, given its larger user base, has a more extensive selection of plugins, which can extend functionality far beyond basic eCommerce. PrestaShop offers more specialized eCommerce modules that are easy to integrate, although the sheer volume of options is less than that of WordPress.

Winner: Draw

7. Themes: 

Both platforms offer a wide array of themes to choose from. WordPress has a vast repository of themes suitable for all industries, and many are optimized for WooCommerce. Conversely, PrestaShop also offers a variety of professional themes tailored for online stores, with a focus on eCommerce user experience.

Winner: Draw

8. Multilingual support:

To appeal to a global audience, your online store should offer multiple languages for website visitors.  PrestaShop stands out with its built-in multilingual support, which is essential for international sales. WordPress, with the help of plugins, can achieve multilingual functionality, but it may not be as sophisticated as PrestaShop’s native solution.

Winner: PrestaShop

9. Security: 

With an ever-increasing number of cyberattacks, security is paramount in eCommerce. WordPress, being so widely used, is frequently targeted by hackers, but it offers numerous security plugins and has a team dedicated to security

On the other hand, PrestaShop also takes security seriously, providing regular updates and features like SSL compatibility to keep transactions secure. It is, therefore, difficult to distinguish between them based on security mechanisms.

Winner: Draw

10. Speed:

Needless to say, a website’s overall speed significantly affects user experience and SEO. WordPress sites can be optimized for speed with the right hosting and plugins, but the platform can become heavy with many plugins. PrestaShop, with leaner eCommerce-focused software, can offer faster load times out of the box but, like WordPress, requires proper optimization for the best performance.

Winner: Draw

Hire WordPress Developers for Services

Pros and cons of WordPress

Released in 2003, WordPress has become the most popular Content Management System, offering a number of advantages. Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of this platform:


  • Free to download
  • Open-source
  • User-friendly interface
  • Countless SEO plugins
  • 54000+ plugins


Pros and Cons of PrestaShop

If you are about to pinpoint PrestaShop as your preferred online store builder, you must be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of this platform:


  • Tailored for ecommerce stores
  • Open-source software
  • Out-of-the-box ecommerce functionalities
  • Facile management
  • User-friendly tool


  • Difficult upgrade process
  • Possible conflict in modules
  • Slow loading time
  • Expensive modules
  • Difficult to set up initially

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Choose Ropstam Solutions for ecommerce website development

Both WordPress and PrestaShop offer a host of advantages in the world of ecommerce website development. It is recommended, however, to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of both website builders before making the final decision. 

With a decade of experience in the field of Ecommerce website development, Ropstam Solutions stands out from its competitors. Over the years, we have delivered countless ecommerce sites to our satisfied clients. Outsource your Ecommerce store development project to Ropstam today and see your idea turn into a tangible reality.


What are the disadvantages of PrestaShop?

  • A steeper learning curve for non-technical users
  • Costs associated with premium modules and themes
  • Less versatility outside of the eCommerce scope

What is WordPress used for?

WordPress is a famed, versatile content management system used for creating and managing websites of all types, including blogs, portfolios, corporate sites, forums, and online stores.

Is PrestaShop easy to use?

PrestaShop is user-friendly and focuses on providing an intuitive interface for online merchants.

Is PrestaShop still being used?

Yes, PrestaShop continues to be a popular eCommerce platform, especially favored by small to medium-sized businesses.

Is PrestaShop better than WordPress?

PrestaShop specializes in eCommerce and offers robust out-of-the-box features for online stores. This makes this platform superior for users focused exclusively on eCommerce needs compared to WordPress’s broader content management capabilities.

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